Monday, 13 December 2010

My first (and possibly my last) blog post!

I've been pondering on whether to write a blog, or not, for some time now. But finally, i've managed to gather the courage and the energy to click the "Create a blog for free" button. Why am I doing this exactly? Well for several reasons. These being:

1. I can use the blog as a diary, to look back on, when I eventually finish my travels.
2. I used to be the bees knees with my writing skills back in the day. But I don't write at all anymore. So I figured this could help sharpen my skills back up.


3. I am massively in love with myself and everything I do or say. So why not write my awesome thoughts down in the archives of time so I can look back on them in awe? I will probably/definitely be this blogs biggest and only fan!

This blog really won't start kicking off until the 9th Feburary; when my main journey begins. I'm initially flying from Stansted to Amsterdam where I will be visiting friends, general sightseeing, looking for the God that is Dennis Bergkamp and possibly getting high...

After this it's a one way ticket to Sydney via-Frankfurt via-Shanghai via-someone kill me this flight is going to be a bigger ball ache than a knee to the nut sack! But I shan't bore you with all the details now. I promise to try and keep this blog both humorous and semi-interesting. Right, now I must leave to watch my beloved Arsenal play against Man Utd. I must admit, I am bricking it! I will post soon with pictures and stories of my experiences in Israel last year. I'm sure all my fellow Baramites will appreciate some of this!


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