Right now I’m sitting here bored off my tits. My bus leaves in 2 hours. So I figured I would pass the time by writing another blog. This isn’t a live one as I have no internet connection; so am writing it on Word. Anyway, so yeah, my current plan is to head up to Brisbane and find some work. I’ve heard a lot of backpackers say they can’t get work here. But there’s two type of people in this world. People that make shit happen, and those who don’t know their arse from their elbow and wait around for someone else to do things for them. Luckily I’m not the latter. This country is bursting at the seams with work. A far cry from the situation in my home nation right now.
The English urban landscape is full of abandoned building sites which were halted by the recession. I remember when I worked in the pub, as the recession got worse and worse. The pub got full of more tradesmen in the weekdays who were out of work. It’s a sad sight to see. This is far from the case in Australia, it seems the country is making the most of it’s economic boom right now. Everywhere you look, skyscrapers and new houses are being built. By built I mean there’s actually men on the site making them. I’ve already had about 4 labouring jobs offered to me. It’s insane.
So I’m quite optimistic about finding work. Even in shop windows there are adverts seeking new staff. It’s this healthy economic situation that is not putting me in a rush to leave this country anytime soon. Nothing lasts forever. Australia won’t always have this awesome economy, as an Englishman, I have a pretty good knowledge of a rise and fall of a great Empire and economy. But for the time being, things here are awesome and fingers crossed it will be a little while yet until things take a turn for the worse.
Bollocks, just realised my tan is starting to peel. Oh well, in a country like this, it won’t take me long to get it back. So yeah, that’s all I have to report on at present. Still have to wait a while for the bus. Will probably buy a couple of pies to pass the time. I really need to settle down for a bit. Being on the road is an unhealthy lifestyle. You can’t do a proper food shop from the supermarket because you will be leaving in a couple of days. I’ve been eating $10 All You Can Eat brekky all week. All the egg, bacon, beans, sausages etc. you want. Perfect hangover cure. Not the perfect heart attack cure.
Actually, that reminds me, to the Aussie’s reading this, what the FUCK have you done to sausage rolls?! Fair play on the pies. I can’t knock you for that one. But so far, I have only found sausage rolls with beef inside them. Shit is f*cked up. You see in Oz, most sausages are made of beef (as far as I have gathered so far), I’m guessing because they have so many cows in their country they’ve decided to turn them into sausages. I have to say, I’m not impressed. Sausages should be made of pork, and only pork. End of story.
One more thing which is funny. I see many things advertised as ‘English’. E.g. I saw an ‘English Muffin’ which was in fact a crumpet. I also saw ‘English cheese’ in Subway, what the hell is English cheese?! I thought they meant Cheddar at first, but they sold cheddar as cheddar. So I’m baffled. Speaking of cheddar, everytime I tell a foreigner that cheddar is an English invention, they think I’m lying. They can’t handle the fact England actually makes nice food. Deal with it. Right! Enough about food, I’m starving. Laters on.
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